What Am I Obsessed With?
I realized that writing keeps me focused. Well, at least writing about something that I really want to write about, and not something that I am supposed to do (like work stuff). I find it a good way to keep my mind away from what I shouldn't be thinking about (which you can find in my previous posts as I have been ranting about them. LOL.).
Anyhow, I learned about a random topic generator which helps people find a good topic to talk about or write about or what-have-you. I realized that there may be a ton of them online and I just did a quick search and found one.
So I tried it out and the topic I found was what I was obsessed with. I really didn't want to talk about this because I couldn't really pinpoint just what I am obsessed with, by the mere definition of obsession. But yeah, I can try.
I believe that I may have a number of things that I am obsessed with. So far, my obsession really can change from time to time. And then I realized that my obsession really isn't with stuff or such but really some form of mental condition. I'm no professional so bear with me.
I have this thing to get as much as I can of something that I like. For example, I went through a phase when I was obsessed with shoes and bags and plants. I would just go and purchase everything and anything that I wanted because I wanted them and I could purchase them. It's like I just need to follow what I want and I think that's some kind of obsession.
I also think that I am obsessed with getting some kind of love, from people who are not related to me in any way. I want to get the love that I want to have and get that love from people who I also want. There may be others who may offer that but if I do not like the person offering such, I just don't.
So anyhow, that's just what I think I am obsessed with. I am not really sure if those can be called obsessions.
If these are mine, what are yours?
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