I've Gone Vegetarian! (Well, Only For One Meal. LOL.)

Last night, the owner (or account moderator) of one of the vegan/vegetarian restaurants here in Legazpi City sent me a chat. He/She asked me if I wanted to avail of their meal of the day for the next day (which is today). I've already tried out their food and I like what they offer. Plus, they're the better option compared to the other vegan/vegetarian restaurant here in the city.

So thinking that I haven't had my share of vegetables for the past few days, I decided to give it a go. They said that they'd prepare it so that it'd be ready by the time I specified.

Today, when I woke up, I sent a message and told them that the food would be picked up by lunch. They said that was okay. They also said they had some cucumber-lemon smoothie. I said I want one, too. But unfortunately, they told me it wasn't available and the only option was a buko (young coconut) smoothie. I wasn't a fan of that so I told them I'd just take the meal. Oh, I also ordered some chia seeds. They sell 200 grams for only 200PHP. Other shops would sell 100 grams for 150PHP.

I was pretty satisfied with the food that I got. The meal had some tofu steak, a slice of papaya, two bananas with a choco-cinnamon sauce, and battered eggplant.

I realized that it was pretty good food (and healthy, too). I was also not that hungry through the rest of the day.

So yeah. I've gone vegetarian but only for one meal. LOL. I had some 2-pc. Jollibee burger steak, half a cup of rice, and half a large order of fries for dinner. LOL. LOL. LOL.
