
So this is the first time that I'll be talking about how I've always wanted to lose weight. I've seen some of my high school classmates have better bodies because of the Keto diet. So I learned that I cannot really do the whole Keto thing. But I also learned that the basic principle is that carbs and sugar are the main culprits when it comes to gaining weight. That is why it is okay to eat fats and all that because that's what the body will be using for energy instead of the usual carbs.

Now, this is what I do. I try to eat as little as possible because I also believe in calorie counting. However, as much as I try to eat little, my cravings are far stronger. So I follow what my mouth wants to eat. LOL. Sorry, I'm not a strong person when it comes to food. I always give in. But I have lessened my carb intake. I say lessened because I still do eat rice from time to time. I also eat bread and ice cream and cakes and sweets. So lessened is the proper term.

My weight keeps on fluctuating though. I lose weight then I gain some. Well, that depends on the food that I'm eating. That's what I realized. If I eat more carbs and more sweets, there's definitely going to be an increase the following day. If I eat a lot of calories, the increase is sure the following day.

But I'm proud to say that from 88 kls. last May, I am now down to 77 kls. For others who have been really strict about their diet, the whole period may have made them lose more than that. But for me, I really like eating. I mean I cannot tell myself not to stop eating the foods that I love to stuff in my mouth. I am just happy that I've lost all that weight which I haven't been able to do before. Well, I kind of did when I was still taking bicycle rides - and I don't have any kind of physical activities nowadays.

One thing I also realized is that I'm now having more cravings for vegetables and all the good stuff. Now that's one of the good things that come with this diet (or whatever you call this) that I'm on. LOL.
